Video Library

The video library provides quick access to all the videos that have been included in the Built for Zero Canada Updater Newsletter. Use these videos to educate your community about homelessness and inspire your community to end it.

Keep checking back here as we will be regularly adding new videos.

Below you will find videos under a number of categories. With the exception of Famous Feature Length Films, all other videos are generally less than 10 minutes long and most are less than 3 minutes – great for showing as part of a presentation or meeting.

Built for Zero
Ending Veteran Homelessness
By-Name Lists and Coordinated Access
  • Centre for Homelessness Impact Image Library – The library contains hundreds of images and is offered on-line and free of charge to news publishers, public bodies, charities and any organization or individuals writing about, or presenting on, the topic of homelessness. For further information read this blog
OrgCode YouTube Channel – Working to Make Homelessness Rare, Brief, and Non-Recurring
Shelter and Outreach
Rapid Rehousing
Housing First
Registry Weeks and Ending Homelessness
Other Homelessness Response Related Videos
Famous Feature Length Films on Homelessness

The following films are fictional but often based on true stories.

Documentary Films
  • Push (2019) – follows Leilani Farha, the UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, as she travelling the globe, trying to understand who’s being pushed out of the city and why. To book a screening contact
  • US and THEM (2017) – spans 10 years as filmmaker Krista Loughton attempts to help four homeless people who end up helping her. Includes candid conversations and interviews with addiction expert Dr Gabor Mate book a screening contact Krista Loughton, 250-889-1232,
Other Helpful Videos

While not homeless-specific, these videos speak to key mindsets and strategies that are essential to support the transformational change necessary to end homelessness in your community.

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