Bright Spot: COVID-19 didnÔÇÖt stop Saint John from reducing chronic homelessness by 10%
December 17, 2020 / News

Adapting to challenges and remaining housing focused in the pandemic is what got this Built for Zero Canada community to cut its chronic homelessness population by 10% in a matter … More

Bright Spot: London closes in on ending veteran homelessness
November 9, 2020 / News

London was the first Built for Zero Canada community to achieve a veteran Quality By-Name List. Thanks to relationship building with key partners and knowing every veteran by name, London … More

Bright Spot: Lived experience guides KelownaÔÇÖs response to homelessness
October 22, 2020 / News

ÔÇÿPeers provide insight into the systemic barriers that impact peopleÔÇÖs journey out of homelessness and are critical in designing person-centred systems that mitigate and end the experience of homelessness.ÔÇÖ Working … More

Bright Spot: Despite flooding and a pandemic, Fort McMurray reduces chronic homelessness
August 20, 2020 / News

Amid a global pandemic, Fort McMurray faced evacuation orders when a freak flood hit the community hard. It still wasnÔÇÖt enough to stop the Built for Zero Canada community from … More

Bright Spot: Toronto houses over 1,300 people through its COVID-19 response
July 30, 2020 / News

One of the largest and densest cities in Canada remained housing focused as it responded to the global pandemic, alleviating what could have been a catastrophic loss of life among … More

Bright Spot: Communities integrate focus on ending homelessness as part of their COVID-19 response
July 23, 2020 / News

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, 33 Built for Zero Canada communities from seven provinces and 1 territory share their successes and commitments to remaining mission-focused on ending chronic … More

Bright Spot: Peel houses over 287 people during COVID-19 pandemic
June 11, 2020 / News

ÔÇÿProgress over perfectionÔÇÖ: Peel Regional Housing Services launched a housing pilot at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, securing 70 units from two landlords and housing 287 individuals and families … More

Bright Spot: Chatham-Kent positions its COVID-19 shelter as a path to housing
May 14, 2020 / News

Chatham-Kent has adapted to COVID-19 with an isolation shelter and new prioritization measures to move people quickly into housing. This blog is a part of our Bright Spot series highlighting … More

Bright Spot: Dufferin County has reduced its chronic homeless population by 26%
February 26, 2020 / News

Not long ago, Dufferin County achieved a Quality By-Name List and Coordinated Access system. Now the Built for Zero Canada community has reduced its chronic homeless numbers and sustained that … More

Bright Spot: 32 communities are showing itÔÇÖs possible to end homelessness in Canada
January 30, 2020 / News

More Built for Zero Canada communities are reaching significant milestones as they work toward ending chronic and veteran homelessness. Moncton, NB is the most recent BFZ-C community to achieve a … More

VIDEO: Functional zero veteran homelessness
January 23, 2020 / News

As Built for Zero Canada launches its Veteran Community Cohort today in Toronto, weÔÇÖre sharing a video that explains the definition for functional zero veteran homelessness. London, ON also shares … More

Eight Built for Zero Canada communities begin work on ending veteran homelessness
November 18, 2019 / News

Eight Built for Zero Canada communities are committing to end veteran homelessness by March 2022. The eight communities are piloting and testing an approach to ending veteran homelessness that has … More

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