Survey Packets
All teams that will be doing surveying will need a variety of materials. This section of the Toolkit provides you with a list of helpful items to put in these survey packets.
- To begin, each team should have a packet that includes:
- pens, flashlights, clipboards, a lanyard signifying that they are a volunteer with your local Registry Week
- local emergency contact numbers including a phone number of someone who will be at Registry Week Headquarters during surveying shifts should anything happen during the surveying process
- resource cards with information about local services and supports that are available in your community. These cards should be offered to people regardless of if they participated in the survey or not.
- The survey packets should also include:
- the survey itself, with the consent form as the first page of the survey
- an introductory script
- steps in the survey process
- surveying do’s and don’ts
- sorry we missed you note
- a refusal tracking sheet
- team roles and responsibilities and a my team information sheet
- a map of the area where they will be conducting surveys.
You will want to create a separate survey packet for your Team Leaders. It should include all of the documents listed above plus the additional Team Leader Checklist.
- Survey materials – see the Registry Week Quick Link 2021 document for customizable survey materials
- Sample Introductory Survey Script (Word)
- Sample Letter for Participants and
- Sample Survey Consent Forms:
- Waterloo Region (Word)
- 20,000 Homes Campaign (PDF)
- Survey Process Reminder Card (Word)
- Surveying Do’s and Dont’s (Word)
- Sorry We Missed You Note (Word)
- Refusal Tracking Sheet (Word)
- Team Member Roles and Responsibilities (Word)
- My Team Information Sheet (Word)
- Team Leader Checklist (Word)
Back: 10 Registry Week Headquarters
Next: 12 Community Debrief