Housing Help and Landlords

The information and resources here are intended to support your efforts to support renters and to recruit and retain landlords in your work to prevent and end homelessness.

Below you will find information and tools from a number of sources. Remember, you can also always search on the Homeless Hub and the Homelessness Learning Hub for further housing help and landlord related information.

Keep checking back here as we will be regularly updating materials and adding further resources.

Resources to Support Renters
Toolkits and Other Resources
  • Renters’ Toolkits:
  • RentSmart – RentSmart equips tenants and landlords with the knowledge and tools needed for successful tenancies. Through courses on tenant rights, budgeting, communication, and home maintenance, the program fosters stable housing and reduces evictions. RentSmart’s certification courses and educator training promote stronger tenant-landlord relationships, creating long-term housing stability and resilient communities across Canada. Now hosted through the Community Housing Transformation Centre.
  • Canadian Centre for Housing Rights (formerly the Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation or CERA) – an Ontario based organization that has many resources for tenants, service providers, housing providers and the general public. Samples below:
    • Ontario Housing Law Basics (2023, webpages with drop-downs – aimed at tenants) – Learn the basics of Ontario housing law, tenants’ rights and landlord responsibilities and how to start, maintain, and end a tenancy
    • The Tenant Leaders Toolbox (2023) – a range of practical resources to support leadership and advocacy work, with tools to increase understanding of the right to housing in Canada. 
    • Youth Housing Rights: A Toolkit for Creative Legal Education (2017) – a 17 page booklet to equip youth and facilitators to develop strategies for human rights advocacy in housing within communities across Ontario, and to host workshops with youth to learn about housing rights and discuss their communities’ housing experiences.
  • Federation of Metro Tenants Associations – example of a tenant organizing body with resources, a hotline and tenant school
  • Sample Service Guides:
  • See also tools and resources on the Prevention page.
Home Takeovers
flexible funding
Resources to Recruit and Retain Landlords
Toolkits and Other Resources
Community Program Examples
Landlord Mitigation and Repair Fund Programs
Head Leasing
Resources for Landlords
Program Areas

Emergency Shelter | Diversion | Outreach | Housing Help and Landlords | Housing with Support | Prevention | Partnering with Other Systems | Peers and Lived Experience | Indigenous Resources

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